Last day to order from my online shop!
Shop closes at midnight EST for the remainder of the year
Hello wonderful subscribers. Thank you for being here! I am writing today just with a brief announcement and reminder that my web shop closes at midnight tonight. If you were thinking of ordering any prints before the holidays, today is the day! Any orders placed after today will be shipped out in January. If you are a paying subscriber, don’t forget to use your discount code at checkout :)
My 2025 illustrated calendar is now on sale! It makes a wonderful gift for any foodie/plant/watercolor lovers in your family & friend circles.
Thank you SO much for your support this season. It has been incredibly affirming and so exciting for me to share my work with you all. It’s been a real treat to meet some of you in person at the fairs and markets as well.
I have a few more markets coming up! Hygge market and Pizza Bones Market here in Richmond this coming weekend (flyers below).
I hope that you find moments to rest and breathe and take in the darkest days with peace and cozy warmth indoors.
Love and blessings on your solstice season.